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Grains в Париже

26 объявлений
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26 объявлений
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Зерно - пшеница, кукуруза, ячмень, просо, овес, рожь | Grain
Цена по запросу
Grain - wheat, corn, barley, millet, oats, rye in bulk, we sell from Ukraine with delivery to your country. Indicators: Wheat Moisture 12, gluten 24, weediness 0.5, 0.4, and up to 2 Corn Moisture up to 14.5, weed up to 2.5. Quality is better, we are ready to offer. Years 2017, 2018, 2019. You can
26 июн 2021
Graines d'herbe (grass seeds)
Цена по запросу
Latin name:Trifolium pratense, Trifolium hybridum, Dactylis glomerata, Lolium multiflorum, Lolium perenne, Sinapis alba, Raphanus sativus, Festuca Rumbra, Echinochloa Frumentacea, Phleum Prateanse, Phacelia, Festulolium, Galega Orientalis, Lotus Comiculatus, Melilotus Officinalis, Brassica
18 апр 2022
Semences de céréales et de légumes - Семена зерновых и овощных культур
Цена по запросу
Graines de céréales : - Blé; - orge; - Seigle; - Avoine, ainsi que les cultures maraîchères. Production République de Biélorussie. Certificat de conformité. Le prix est négociable. Écrivez à Viber ou Whatsapp. Nous sommes impatients de collaborer. *** Семена зерновых культур: - Пшеницы; -...
28 окт 2024
Corn, Wheat
Оптовая цена
от 180 $/т
Компания продает зерновые на условиях CIF любой порт мира, оплата SBLC, по вопросам цен и условий работы обращайтесь по телефону к нашему специалисту The company sells grains on a CIF basis to any port in the world, payment is SBLC, for questions about prices and working conditions, please call
29 фев 2024
Lance thermique HL - 1
Lance thermique HL - 1 - фото 1
Lance thermique HL - 1 - фото 2
+5 фото
Lance thermique HL - 1 - фото 3
3 200 €/шт FCA
La lance thermique HL-1 est une installation autonome mobile pour le nettoyage et le séchage des fissures, joints, creux et clivages dans les revêtements de route goudronnés et bitumés, avant leur remplissage par des matériaux bitumineux ou bitumineux au polymère. Un flux puissant d’air chaud
26 дек 2023
We sell
Цена по запросу
We sell: amaranth grain, price 1000 euros / ton, confectionery poppy, price 2975 dollars / ton, red and white sorghum, low-protein sunflower cake. We will offer any grain upon your request Продаём: зерно амаранта, цена 1000 евро/тонна, мак кондитерский, цена 2975 долларов/тонна, сорго красное и
20 ноя 2020
Горох желтый колотый (yellow split peas)
Оптовая цена
от 252 €/т FCA
Yellow Split Peas: - humidity - 14% max; - broken grains - 1% max (sieve pass 2.0); - weed admixture - 0.4% max; - including mineral admixture - 0.05% max; - damaged grains - 1% max; - unopened grains - 0.8% max; - spoiled grains - 0.4% max; - slice and flour - not allowed; - yellow color Packaging
21 сен 2020
Комбикорм (compound feed)
Оптовая цена
от 290 $/т FCA
Hello! We offer you high quality compound feed for cattle, sheep, camel. Added grain, grass and a little salt. 100 % natural product and price is good. Price: 290$/ton FCA (Turkmenistan) For other questions write and call me! Telephone: Telegram, WhatsApp:
31 авг 2019
Удобрение Гумат калия "ФК" /Humate potassium
Оптовая цена
1 - 1.50 €/л
Engrais Humate de potassium " FC " (concentré liquide) à partir de tourbe de faible teneur écologique sans métaux lourds. L'engrais est fabriqué selon LA BY 291502328.001-2018. La composition de l'engrais comprend des substances humiques (acides humiques + fulviques à une concentration de 80-120 g
20 ноя 2018
Long Grain Rice from Vietnam
Long Grain Rice from Vietnam - фото 1
Long Grain Rice from Vietnam - фото 2
+1 фото
Long Grain Rice from Vietnam - фото 3
Цена по запросу
Our company offers long-grain rice from Vietnam for export. Prices from the manufacturer. In stock : - Long grain white rice 5% broken - Long grain white rice 15% broken - Long grain white rice 25% broken - Rice 100% broken MOQ: (01) one container. Our prices are based on FOB Ho Chi Minh port
+1 объявление
3 фев
Sunflower husk pellets, grain waste pellets, sunflower meal for sale
Оптовая цена
1 €/шт
Belquentainvest LLC, Belarus, Minsk sells sunflower husk pellets, grain waste pellets and sunflower meal origin Belarus and Russian Federation on conditions FCA or DAP. The minimum volume is 20t. Packing big-bag or 15 kg pack. Belquentainvest LLC is an investment and commercial company that is
12 окт 2022
21002310-08-B Panneau central superposé, en bas à droite (NAPPA GRAIN BLACK PVC) Tesla mod
30 €/шт
Panneau central superposé, en bas à droite (PVC NAPPA GRAIN NOIR) Modèle Tesla XS REST 1002310-08-B 1002310-08-B ASY, IP INFÉRIEUR DROIT, (PVC NOIR NAPPA) {MX_MS_MSR} 1002310-08-B Livraison en France, au Canada, en Belgique, en Suisse, aux États-Unis, en Algérie, au Cameroun et dans dautres pays
26 июл 2022
Цена по запросу
LTD “Agro-Alliance”, founded in 2010, is one of the leading Ukrainian group for exports of grains, oilseeds and their derivatives. We suggest the delivery of all kinds of grains, oilseeds and their derivatives to any place of the world on conditions: CPT, DAP, CIF, FOB, CFR. We are constantly
4 июн 2018
Sale of various grain crops (wheat, corn, soy, etc. )
1 €/шт
We are looking for new customers in Europe for one-time and long-term deliveries. Delivery is possible. For high-quality and productive communication, you need an application indicating the desired product, quantity, basis and terms of delivery, price and payment offer. The following grain crops
12 мая 2023
DDGS (Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles ) 35%. Corn DDGS
170 €/т
DDGS (Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles ) 35%. Corn DDGS is a by-product of the alcohol industry. It is obtained in the production of bioethanol, which is used as a fuel additive. It can also be a partial replacement for soy flour or other protein sources. Soluble Dehydrated Grains (DDGS) are a
18 авг 2022
Graines de citrouille haricot lentilles
1 €/кг EXW  
опт 2 200 - 2 600 €/т
Je vais vendre des graines de citrouille un grade "ukrainien" calibre 6-9 euros 2200 tonnes, calibre 9-12 euros 2300 tonnes, calibre 12+ euros 2400 tonnes, graines de citrouille (noyau) 2600 euros avec livraison dans la ville de France à partir de 10 tonnes Alexander city Nikolaev Ukraine shb200721
18 окт 2018
Raisins - фото 1
Raisins - фото 2
+10 фото
Raisins - фото 3
1.40 $/кг FCA
We are can supply fruits   juice concentrate  and puree / jam 1. Pomegranate   juice concentrate – 2.7$ kg 2. Apple   juice concentrate  - 1.45$ kg 3. Sourcherry   juice concentrate – 4.44$ kg 4. White grape   juice concentrate  1.60$ kg 5. Pineapple   juice concentrate – 3.89$ kg 6. Orange...
+1 объявление
31 янв
Yellow Corn Ukraine Origin
Yellow Corn Ukraine Origin - фото 1
Yellow Corn Ukraine Origin - фото 2
Yellow Corn Ukraine Origin - фото 3
1 €/т FOB
Product: -Yellow Corn. -Ukrainian Origin. -EU Standard. Quality: - Humidity no more than 14.5%. - Foreign impurities no more than 2%. - Broken grains no more than 5%. - Damaged grains no more than 5%. - Aflatoxin B1 not more than 20 parts per billion. 1. Delivery terms: FOB Ukraina, any
24 янв
Nous vendons du lin brun.
Оптовая цена
от 1 €/т DAP
Nous vendons du lin brun. Les lots sont de 22 tonnes. Il est chargé en BIG BAG. Le pays d'origine est l'Ukraine. Des livraisons constantes sont possibles. Qualité sur demande. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter, nous nous ferons un plaisir d'exécuter votre commande. Nous pouvons exporter tous les
+1 объявление
6 сен 2024
Wood pellets pellet Manufacturer EXPORT
Wood pellets pellet Manufacturer EXPORT - фото 1
Wood pellets pellet Manufacturer EXPORT - фото 2
+2 фото
Wood pellets pellet Manufacturer EXPORT - фото 3
125 €/т FCA  
опт от 125 €/т
We offer wood pellets (pellet) Raw material 100% pine Diameter 6 mm Ash content up to 0,5% Humidity up to 6,5% Heat of combustion 4.73 kWh/kg For industrial enterprises, warehouses, grain dryers, bakeries and other large customers we pack pellets in soft polypropylene containers (big-bags) of 1
+1 объявление
22 июн 2024
Granulés combustibles à partir de coques de tournesol 8 mm
Оптовая цена
от 55 €/т FCA
Granulés granulés de graines de tournesol 8 mm conditionnés en big bags avec une valve de fermeture supérieure. Prix ​​FCA 55 euros depuis un entrepôt à Minsk. Les granulés sont denses, sans impuretés. Nous effectuons la livraison dans l'UE par transport routier et ferroviaire. Fraction massique
7 дек 2023
Des pastilles combustibles A1 6 mm :
Оптовая цена
от 10 €/шт
I will sell fuel pellets A1 6 mm: - wood pellets packaged in big bags or bags at a price of 745 euros per ton with delivery to Switzerland or self-delivery from Ukraine at a price of 500 euros - pellets from sunflower husks, pellets from grain waste at a price of 550 euros per ton with delivery to
9 мая 2023
Nous proposons nos produits à l'exportation depuis le Turkménistan.
Nous proposons nos produits à l'exportation depuis le Turkménistan. - фото 1
Nous proposons nos produits à l'exportation depuis le Turkménistan. - фото 2
+2 фото
Nous proposons nos produits à l'exportation depuis le Turkménistan. - фото 3
1 €/шт
Salut. Nous proposons nos produits à l'exportation depuis le Turkménistan. Le prix sera envoyé sur demande. Concombres marinés Concombres marinés Concombres coupés en cercles marinés aux oignons Tomates marinées Tomates vertes marinées Légumes marinés (concombres, tomates) Légumes marinés
10 авг 2021
Round Rice from Vietnam
Цена по запросу
Our company offers the following types of rice from Vietnam for export. Prices from the manufacturer: Round rice - Japanese (rice for sushi) - Rice Camolino - Rice Culrose - Medium-grain rice MOQ: (01) one container. Our prices are based on FOB Ho Chi Minh port (Incoterms-2010) and are
+1 объявление
3 фев
Juice fruit concentrate
1.40 $/кг FCA
We are can supply fruits   juice concentrate  and puree / jam 1. Pomegranate   juice concentrate – 2.7$ kg 2. Apple   juice concentrate  - 1.45$ kg 3. Sourcherry   juice concentrate – 4.44$ kg 4. White grape   juice concentrate  1.60$ kg 5. Pineapple   juice concentrate – 3.89$ kg 6. Orange...
+1 объявление
31 янв
Granulés de bois granulés Fabricant EXPORT
Granulés de bois granulés Fabricant EXPORT - фото 1
Granulés de bois granulés Fabricant EXPORT - фото 2
+2 фото
Granulés de bois granulés Fabricant EXPORT - фото 3
125 €/т FCA  
опт от 125 €/т
Nous proposons des granulés de bois (pellets) Matière première 100% pin Diamètre 6 mm Teneur en cendres jusqu'à 0,5 Humidité jusqu'à 6,5 Chaleur de combustion 4,73 kWh/kg Pour les entreprises industrielles, les entrepôts, les séchoirs à grains, les boulangeries et d'autres clients importants,
+1 объявление
22 июн 2024
Найдены объявления в радиусе 400 км от Парижа
Aerodynamic grain separator
20 €/шт  
опт 1 - 10 €/шт
The company-manufacturer offers the Aerodynamic grain separator. Separator makes cleaning and calibration of cereals, legumes, vegetables, melons, fodder crops, as well as all kinds of loose mixtures. Primary cleaning is designed to remove dust and partially remove non-grain waste, which allows
4 ноя 2019
Dog Food Directly from the Manufacturer!
Fresh and high-quality
2.44 €/кг
Wholesale Dog Food Directly from the Manufacturer!
Fresh and high-quality supply directly from the factory. Dry food for dogs of all breeds and ages: * Specialized formulas (for puppies, senior dogs, and sensitive digestion). * High meat content with healthy additives. Why Choose Us? * Manufacturer
+2 объявления
30 ноя 2024
Wheat flour best grade FCA europe
0.25 €/кг FCA
Delivery type - FCA/DDP/EXW/CIF Wheat flour, produced by LLC "Mulino", has a strong gluten and smoothed particle size distribution and good baking properties. Products made her have a good volume and a fine-developed porosity. Flour from the "Mulino" - light, thin, white with a cream shade, with
28 окт 2022
Dog Food Directly from the Manufacturer!
Fresh and high-quality
2.34 €/кг
Wholesale Dog Food Directly from the Manufacturer!
Fresh and high-quality supply directly from the factory. Dry food for dogs of all breeds and ages: * Specialized formulas (for puppies, senior dogs, and sensitive digestion). * High meat content with healthy additives. Why Choose Us? * Manufacturer
+2 объявления
30 ноя 2024
1 450 €/т FCA
Offer your customers top-quality Ukrainian rice, sourced from the best fields in Ukraine. Product Highlights: Type: White, Brown, or Parboiled Rice Packaging: Bulk or custom options Quality: Clean, premium grains with consistent quality Origin: 100% natural Ukrainian rice Competitive Pricing:
17 дек 2024
Maïs sans OGM. 10000 т.
Оптовая цена
от 1 €/т DAP
Maïs sans OGM. 10000 т. - jusqu'à 10 000 tonnes par mois (conditions de livraison CIF ou FOB Odesa, Chornomorsk, Ukraine). - Nous livrons également par route aux conditions DAP dans toute l'Europe (nous acceptons des commandes de 300 à 2000 tonnes par mois). Expédition en BIG BAG ou par
+1 объявление
6 сен 2024
В соседних регионах
Dog Food Directly from the Manufacturer!
Fresh and high-quality
2.23 €/кг
Wholesale Dog Food Directly from the Manufacturer!
Fresh and high-quality supply directly from the factory. Dry food for dogs of all breeds and ages: * Specialized formulas (for puppies, senior dogs, and sensitive digestion). * High meat content with healthy additives. Why Choose Us? * Manufacturer
+2 объявления
30 ноя 2024
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